Photographs, Oil on canvasDate: 1999
This project ‘Kisheniev-Johannesburg’ was a collaboration with the Moldovan-Israeli artist Ilya Rabinovich.
In 1999 we did two journeys together to our respective places of earliest memory. In Rabinovich’s case Kisheniev in Moldova and in my case Johannesburg, South Africa. We did two separate bodies of work investigating ideas concerning memory and often memory’s failure to present any concrete, tangible truth. Rabinovich worked exclusively photographically and I worked in Oil on Canvas. We both explored video but mainly in the sense of travelogue.
View on Ilya Rabinovich’s site.

Photograph, 1m x 1m, 1999

Photograph, 1m x 1m, 1999

Photograph, 1m x 1m, 1999

Photograph, 1m x 1m, 1999

‘Fly’ Oil on canvas, 80cm x 120cm

‘Sigarette’ Oil on canvas, 80cm x 120cm

‘Straw’ Oil on canvas, 80cm x 120cm

‘Eyedrops’ Oil on canvas, 80cm x 120cm

‘Toiletrollcartridge’ Oil on canvas, 80cm x 120cm

‘Seedflower’ Oil on canvas, 80cm x 120cm